Tuesday, September 7, 2010

cross cable colour code

one side second side
1. orange white 1. green white
2. orange 2. green
3. green white 3. orange white
4. blue 4. blue
5. blue white 5. blue white
6. green 6.orange
7. brown white 7.brown white
8. brown 8. brown

windows xp services access denied

windows xp services is not working
Right click on service->open with->browse ->
c:\windows\system32\select mmc.exe->ok
then open the service it will work

autorun virus removing

in windows if you are open c drive then it will not open it will show
browse and open the path this is a virus how to remove
go to command prompt
c:\attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
c:\del autorun.inf
this do all the drive and restart the system

Hidden file problem

in windows xp hidden file showing all time
Regedit->local machine->software->microsoft->windows->current version->
explore->advanced folder->hidden show all->checked value (1) Default value (2)

Change default value 1 t0 2
2 is default value

Hidden file problem

in windows xp hidden file showing all time

hidden file problem

in windows xp showing all hidden file all the times then do this thing
Regedit->local machine->software->microsoft->windows->current version->explore->
advanced folder->hidden show all->checked value(1) default value( 2)

change checked value is 2

1068 error windows 2000/xp

start -> run -> service.msc -> scrolldown to terminal services
then start the terminal service and restart the system

Thumbs.db removal

in windows showing thumbs.db
Mycomputer -> tools -> view-> catch thumb.db -> ok then search thumb.db then delete


windows task manager is not working then do this
Regedit -> Hkey-current user -> software\microsoft\windows\current version\policies\
system remove disable taskmanager