A bit annoying when every time I turn on the computer and started to enter a password to log in to the desktop, I noticed my NumLock light is off, first I think there is damage to the numlock … since tried to several times the pressure cannot flame. Arose the idea to try this keyboard to another PC that was really no problem, so it can take the conclusion that this is a problem with my OS registry..
Start googling and I found a solution that can solve this problem …
how: to do a few changes to the registry for you to force your NumLock direct light every time you startup your PC.
- Open the Registry Editor by regedit.exe in the Run box in start menu
- Then find the address below …
HKEY_CURRENT_USER>> Control Panel>> Keyboard>> InitialKeyboardIndicators
Set Value with a double click and Set value 2 for ON at Startup and set the value 0 for OFF at startup.